Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Like Poles Attract!

You must be thinking what this guy is up to with an out-of-his-mind heading!
And you must be wondering, haven't I read that like poles repel and the opposites attract? They why does this guy talk this way?
I'd be happy if that had occurred to you. In fact, that was the motive behind naming this blog differently.

By the way, I am talking the same subject in which you had heard that likes repel - Relationships. I was talking to my girlfriend (technically my wife, but that word is too heavy, isn't it?) about my last my blog about success, and she had wondered why I'd always choose topics like hard-work, attitude, success etc.. That talk led us to debate my portrayal of success differently this time, while in most occasions I'd ask people to be serious about their goals. Further ramblings led me to my current topic!

Friends!, I wonder why most of my blogs revolve around this! Ah, did I say I'd begin the topic of my blog? Alright, here we go into the blog!

Necessity finds us friends, and we keep them. Imagine you had not studied in the college you did, would you have those friends who're around you now? yes, we find friends to share our joy, sorrows, and to have fun. That's why we all make friends wherever we go. Well, fast forward a few years, and see how many of the gang do you still consider friends? or rather talk? How many of them you'd like to spend time with? For how many of them does your heart ache? Do you see the number dwindling as you had read through those questions? Well, it's natural.

After we had made friends with people, and keep making new friends as meet new people, we would find a few very different from us, a few tolerable, and a few with striking similarities. Those in the last category stay with you for a long time, possibly for life. That establishes the theme - like poles attract! People with like-minded thoughts tend to stay together over a long period of time.

Now, look at the list of your friends to see them if you have any similarities. Do not worry if you find a friend whom you like a lot but is just not like you. I have another theory coming up which might help you. Continue reading!

While you ponder over all this, you would try to refute what I say. Some would have thought of any instances where my logic does not make sense. Wait, I'd tell you one. Marriage. And better - Arranged marriage. Yes, in marriage (arranged is the current topic) two completely different people (astrologies and cast apart!) join their hands to start a new life. Well, you could say they are not definitely alike on day one. Indeed they are not. Then does my argument make sense? In marriage different people come together. Not just the couple but their families and friends are sort of cloistered into a new segment. Let's just take the couple. How do they live together being different? That is because when you start liking somebody and live with that person, you would admire a few good qualities and imbibe them into you. You would forgo a few qualities which your peer might not admire. You would come out from that ME world to OUR world. And this happens from both the ends. After a period of time, the differences dissolve and only the like qualities remain. Better said, the like qualities dominate (because no two people on earth are same). I guess that's the beauty of nature. We fit in the holes when we're put in there while we were squares! There you go, the Like stay together!

So, either the survived are made fit or the fittest survive (It's a metaphor here, hope you've got the intent)! Otherwise, relationships are at stake. Hope you would have a nice balance of your relationships!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Something you always aspire to, something you've always dreamed of, something for which you would live all your life, and at times, for a few, is something for which you go to any end, lose everybody, and everything else. Nirvana.

Success can also take forms. It might mean money to a few, fame to a few others, revenge for even a few, faith for a few sects, and so on. Everybody dreams of his definition of success and longs to gain it. It would be an easily achievable task at times, and might be a daunting task at others. It depends of what we dream of.

The whole point of this writing is to ascertain that success in itself does not mean the end result. Success is not the destination itself, but also includes the way you take to arrive at it. As it is said, 'if you win the whole world, and lose yourself, what's the point?', success is just not what you experience at the end. Everything which comes on that path to success is part of it, even failures. Just like we cant admire the sun if there was no night, and can't admire health if we were not sick, success does not taste sweet if there was no failure. So, failures play a big role in the success. Take failures as challenges and don't fail in the same way again. You fail and fail yet again till there is no other way to fail, you would reach success.

You could enjoy all the riches and joy at the end of the road, but if you take all your life to reach there, what is the point? Since there is no shortcut to success, we would all reach it only very late in our lives. By then we would have lived all the young and energetic days of our lives. What difference does it make to you if the whole world is under you at that age where you cannot do anything but feel happy. You cannot run, cannot eat everything you like, cannot yell, cannot live life to fullest. Success at a later stage is similar to that.

So, instead of losing all happiness and good things around while you strive to be successful, take joy at life's each small thing. Life is full of surprises, let's not indulge ourselves a lot into the struggle that we don't care about these small moments. A moment once lost can never come back, so let's trudge of in our path of success even while having fun and lighter moments. Those moments would give you immense joy and contentment even if you had not achieved success.
After all, success is a feeling!